Great Turtle Creations
About Us
To Order

Welcome to Great Turtle Creations of Mackinac Island. It is with great pleasure that we bring you customized notecards with a Mackinac Island theme. Choose from our large selection of beautiful themes created by our exclusive artist . Each image is a reproduction of an original watercolor featuring Jeannie West's lovely and whimsical paintings.

Choose from our wide variety of images perfect for any occasion–cards personalized with specific names or occasions.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We will be happy to help you customize your selections to meet your personal needs. Visit our order page for order information. We have also included a links page with connections to Mackinac Island businesses and organizations which might be of interest.

Thank you for your interest in Great Turtle Creations of Mackinac Island.



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Copyright: Great Turtle Creations holds the exclusive copy right
to all pictures presented by Jeannie West.